Interface UserTypeAsVertxType<V,J>

Type Parameters:
V - The Vert.x SQL data type and a user type
J - The jOOQ type - i.e. any type available from SQLDataType
All Superinterfaces:
BridgeConverter<J,V>, org.jooq.ContextConverter<J,V>, org.jooq.Converter<J,V>, ConverterRepr<J,V>, DataTypeMapper<V,J,V>, JooqxConverter<J,V>, Serializable

public interface UserTypeAsVertxType<V,J> extends DataTypeMapper<V,J,V>, JooqxConverter<J,V>
It is short form of DataTypeMapper that means a record field is used a user type that is same with Vert.x SQL data type
See Also:
API Note:
It is inverse of default JooqxConverter and required your application generate custom data types as Vert.x type. See jOOQ generation
  • Method Details

    • jooqxConverter

      default JooqxConverter<V,J> jooqxConverter()
      Description copied from interface: DataTypeMapper
      Defines jooqx converter between Vert.x data type as database data type and jOOQ data type as intermediate type is used in record
      Specified by:
      jooqxConverter in interface DataTypeMapper<V,J,V>
      jooqx converter
      See Also:
    • create

      static <V, J> UserTypeAsVertxType<V,J> create(@NotNull @NotNull JooqxConverter<V,J> jooqxConverter)
      Create new instance UserTypeAsVertxType by JooqxConverter
      Type Parameters:
      V - The Vert.x SQL data type and a user type
      J - The jOOQ type
      jooqxConverter - jooqx converter
      new instance