Package io.github.zero88.jooqx.datatype

package io.github.zero88.jooqx.datatype
Provides the classes and interfaces to manage a data type mapper among Vert.x datatype, jOOQ datatype and Database datatype
  • Class
    The converter bridges the org.jooq.ContextConverter is introduced since jooq >= 3.18, which enables jooqx to support multiple jOOQ versions.
    Converter representation that use for toString() in logging
    A Mapper for data types.
    A registry for list of specific data type mapper among Vert.x, jOOQ and User data type.
    Defines basic datatype converter between Vert.x datatype as database data type and jOOQ SQL data type as an intermediate type is used in jOOQ record
    It is short form of DataTypeMapper that means a record field is used user type as jOOQ data type
    It is short form of DataTypeMapper that means a record field is used a user type that is same with Vert.x SQL data type