Scheduler.x Quickstart

Scheduler.x provides a builder pattern that allows you to create custom schedules for different business applications.

You can design a loop of recurrence from simple to complex in the Trigger object, step by step. After that, you can build a corresponding Scheduler object to manage the scheduling lifecycle, which contains a Job that performs your business operations.

IntervalTrigger trigger = IntervalTrigger.builder().interval(Duration.ofSeconds(5)).build();            (1)
Job<Void, Void> job = (jobData, executionContext) -> System.out.println("Get started with scheduler.x");(2)
IntervalScheduler scheduler = IntervalScheduler.<Void, Void>builder()                                   (3)
// After starting, every 5 seconds, the program will print to
// the console log with the text `Get started with scheduler.x`
scheduler.start();                                                                                      (4)
// Do other stuff
System.out.println("Are you ready to explore more?");}
1 Create an Interval trigger
2 Create simple job
3 Create an Interval Scheduler
4 Start a scheduler