jOOQ.x release schedule

Version policy

jOOQ.x follows the semantic versioning rules. Each jOOQ.x component release is versioned major.minor.patch.


Major releases occur when there are substantial changes in functionality or when new functionality breaks backwards compatibility. Releases within the same major release line will maintain API compatibility.


Minor releases add new features, improvements to existing features, and fixes that maintain backwards compatibility.


Patch releases fix bugs and maintain backwards compatibility. Only the latest minor release of a major release line will receive patches. Patch releases happen as needed depending on the urgency of the fix.


Major and minor releases may include prerelease versions (major.minor.patch-alpha.n | -beta.n | -rc.n). Prerelease versions will be tagged as next so that the npm client doesn’t prefer a prerelease over a stable version. Once a release candidate (rc) has been thoroughly tested, the stable release will be published.


Refer to jOOQ.x’s milestones and issue tracker for a list of the currently scheduled development tasks. The milestones are intended for informational purposes only. The proposed features, their scope, and the release timeframes are estimates, not firm commitments.