All Classes and Interfaces

A jOOQ.x facade to help initialize new jOOQ.x instance
Jooqx Provider
Batch result
Batch result includes returning record
Represents a holder keeping dummy values and list of binding records
A holder keeps multiple jOOQ queries and the relevant result adapter per each query
A block result
The converter bridges the org.jooq.ContextConverter is introduced since jooq >= 3.18, which enables jooqx to support multiple jOOQ versions.
Converter representation that use for toString() in logging
A Mapper for data types.
A registry for list of specific data type mapper among Vert.x, jOOQ and User data type.
DB2 connection option parser
DB2 error converter
DB2 error converter provider
DB2 pool provider
Database embedded mode: memory or local file
Provides an embedded database
Local file database provider
Memory Database provider
Provides database
Provides H2 database in local file
Provides Derby database in memory
DSL adapter
Provides SQL error converter
Represents for a field wrapper to know the column number of each field
Provides H2 database in local file
Provides H2 database in memory
Provides SQL dialect
Provides HSQLDB in local file
Provides HSQLDB in memory
The Interval data type converter that converts between Vert.x treats as Interval and jOOQ treats as YearToSecond
JDBC error converter provider
JDBCExtension<P extends io.vertx.ext.jdbc.spi.DataSourceProvider>
Extension for third-party JDBC connection pool library
Agroal extension
C3P0 extension
HikariCP extension
Legacy JDBC client provider for Agroal DataSource
Legacy JDBC client provider for C3P0 DataSource
Legacy JDBC client provider for HikariCP
Reactive JDBC pool from Vert.x official that using AgroalCP
Provides a reactive JDBC pool that using C3P0
Provides a reactive JDBC Pool that using HikariCP
JDBCPoolProvider<P extends io.vertx.ext.jdbc.spi.DataSourceProvider>
Reactive JDBC pool provider
Provides jOOQ DSL Context
Represents for SQL error maker that transforms SQL exception to jOOQ DataAccessException
JDBC error converter
Represents for an executor that executes jOOQ query on Vertx reactive SQL pool
Represents for an executor that executes jOOQ query on Vertx reactive SQL pool
Represents for an executor that executes jOOQ query on Vertx reactive SQL pool
Represents for an executor that executes jOOQ query on Vertx reactive SQL pool
JooqxBase<S extends io.vertx.sqlclient.SqlClient>
Represents for an executor that executes jOOQ query on Vertx reactive SQL connection
Represents for a collector that collects Vert.x SQL batch result to an expectation output
Represents for a collector that collects Vert.x SQL batch result to an expectation output
Represents for a collector that collects Vert.x SQL batch result to an expectation output
Represents for a collector that collects Vert.x SQL batch result to an expectation output
Represents for a collector that collects Vert.x SQL block result to an expectation output
Represents for a collector that collects Vert.x SQL block result to an expectation output
Represents for a collector that collects Vert.x SQL block result to an expectation output
Represents for a collector that collects Vert.x SQL block result to an expectation output
Represents a builder that constructs Jooqx
Represents a builder that constructs Jooqx
Represents a builder that constructs Jooqx
Represents a builder that constructs Jooqx
Represents for an executor that executes jOOQ query on Vertx reactive SQL client connection
Represents for an executor that executes jOOQ query on Vertx reactive SQL client connection
Represents for an executor that executes jOOQ query on Vertx reactive SQL client connection
Represents for an executor that executes jOOQ query on Vertx reactive SQL client connection
Represents a builder that constructs JooqxConn
Represents a builder that constructs JooqxConn
Represents a builder that constructs JooqxConn
Represents a builder that constructs JooqxConn
Defines basic datatype converter between Vert.x datatype as database data type and jOOQ SQL data type as an intermediate type is used in jOOQ record
JooqxFacade<S extends io.vertx.sqlclient.SqlClient>
Represents for Jooqx Reactive facade
Represents for a converter that transforms jOOQ param to Vertx Reactive SQL bind value
Represents for a converter that transforms jOOQ param to Vertx Reactive SQL bind value
Represents for a converter that transforms jOOQ param to Vertx Reactive SQL bind value
Represents for a converter that transforms jOOQ param to Vertx Reactive SQL bind value
JooqxProvider<S extends io.vertx.sqlclient.SqlClient>
Reactive jOOQx provider
Represents for a collector that collects then transform Vert.x SQL result to an expectation output
Represents for a collector that collects then transform Vert.x SQL result to an expectation output
Represents for a collector that collects then transform Vert.x SQL result to an expectation output
Represents for a collector that collects then transform Vert.x SQL result to an expectation output
Represents for a reactive SQL session executor
Represents for a reactive SQL session executor
Represents for a reactive SQL session executor
Represents for a reactive SQL session executor
JooqxSQLClientProvider<S extends io.vertx.sqlclient.SqlClient>
Reactive SQL client provider
Represents for a reactive SQL transaction executor
Represents for a reactive SQL transaction executor
Represents for a reactive SQL transaction executor
Represents for a reactive SQL transaction executor
JsonRecord<R extends org.jooq.Record>
Represents for a wrapper of jOOQ Record and does support serialize to JsonObject
LegacyInternal<S extends io.vertx.ext.sql.SQLOperations>
Since Vertx deprecated, this interface still works but not able to using with Rxify version 3
Represents for an executor that executes jOOQ query on Vertx legacy JDBC client connection
Represents for an executor that executes jOOQ query on Vertx legacy JDBC client connection
Represents a builder that constructs LegacyJooqx
Represents a builder that constructs LegacyJooqx
Represents for Jooqx Legacy facade
Legacy jOOQx provider
NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from the original non Mutiny-ified interface using Vert.x codegen.
NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from the original non RX-ified interface using Vert.x codegen.
Represents for a legacy SQL transaction executor
Represents for a legacy SQL transaction executor
LegacySQLClientProvider<P extends io.vertx.ext.jdbc.spi.DataSourceProvider>
A provider provides legacy SQL client that relies on an external JDBC connection pool.
Represents for Legacy SQL result set collector
Represents for Legacy SQL result set collector
Represents for a converter that transforms jOOQ param to Vertx legacy SQL bind value
Represents for a converter that transforms jOOQ param to Vertx legacy SQL bind value
MSSQL connection option parser
MSSQL error converter
MSSQL error converter provider
MSSQL pool provider
MySQL connection option parser
MySQL error converter
MySQL error converter provider
MySQL pool provider
PostgreSQL connection provider
PostgreSQL error converter
PostgreSQL pool provider
PostgreSQL connection option parser
PostgreSQL error converter provider
RecordFactory<REC extends org.jooq.Record,R>
Record factory defines the necessary methods to transform Vert.x SQL row to jOOQ record then map record into a custom type.
Select Adhoc adapter for list result is a base class for custom Select list implementations in client code.
Select Adhoc adapter for one result is a base class for custom Select one implementations in client code.
Select count result adapter that defines output in Integer type
Select exists result adapter that defines output in Boolean type
Select list result adapter that returns list of output
Select one result adapter that returns only one row
Represents for strategy when handling result set
Represents for a collector that collects Vert.x SQL batch result to an expectation output
Represents for a batch executor that executes batch SQL command
Represents for a batch executor that executes batch SQL command
Represents for a batch executor that executes batch SQL command
Represents for a batch executor that executes batch SQL command
The reactive sql executor that is adapted for to execute batch SQL command and able to return the number of succeed row and row detail
The reactive sql executor that is adapted for to execute batch SQL command and able to return the number of succeed row and row detail
The reactive sql executor that is adapted for to execute batch SQL command and able to return the number of succeed row and row detail
The reactive sql executor that is adapted for SqlClient to execute batch SQL command and able to return the number of succeed row and row detail
Represents for a Block executor that executes SQL statements
Represents for a Block executor that executes SQL statements
Represents for a Block executor that executes SQL statements
Represents for a Block executor that executes SQL statements
A parser helps convert raw SQL connection option to a specific SQL driver connection option
SQL client provider
Defines Vertx SQL client
Represents for a DDL executor that executes SQL DDL statements
Represents for a DDL executor that executes SQL DDL statements
Represents for a DDL executor that executes SQL DDL statements
Represents for a DDL executor that executes SQL DDL statements
Represents for a DML executor that executes INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements.
Represents for a DML executor that executes INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements.
Represents for a DML executor that executes INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements.
Represents for a DML executor that executes INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements.
Represents for a query executor that executes SQL command
Represents for a query executor that executes SQL command
Represents for a query executor that executes SQL command
Represents for a query executor that executes SQL command
Represents for a maker that unifies SQL error to a general SQL error when executing SQL command on across among Database SPI
Represents for an executor that executes jOOQ query on Vertx SQL client connection
Provides SQLite database in file
Provides SQLite database in memory
Represents for a DDL executor that executes batch SQL command
Represents for a DDL executor that executes batch SQL command
Represents for a DDL executor that executes batch SQL command
Represents for a DDL executor that executes batch SQL command
Represents for SQL prepared query that transforms jOOQ Query to Vertx SQL prepared query
Provides a capability to transform Vert.x SQL result set to an expected result (in jOOQ term).
Represents for a collector that collects and transforms Vert.x SQL result to an expectation output
Indicates select many row
Indicates select only one row
Represents for a routine executor that executes SQL function or SQL procedure
Represents for a routine executor that executes SQL function or SQL procedure
Represents for a routine executor that executes SQL function or SQL procedure
Represents for a routine executor that executes SQL function or SQL procedure
Represents for SQL session executor
Represents for an executor that executes SQL statement
Represents for an executor that executes SQL statement
Represents for an executor that executes SQL statement
Represents for an executor that executes SQL statement
Represents for SQL transaction executor
Data Type mapper registry provider
Vert.x SQL client treats UDT type in string then it is a parser in common case
It is short form of DataTypeMapper that means a record field is used user type as jOOQ data type
It is short form of DataTypeMapper that means a record field is used a user type that is same with Vert.x SQL data type